Lux’s Story Part 3 | Recovery: walk it off, they said…
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Lux’s Story Part 3 | Recovery: walk it off, they said…

So Lux was born (!) and after about an hour we were moved to the postpartum ward. They had me stand up from the bed to sit in my wheelchair and immediately I threw up and bled everywhere. My doula said pads would be enough, but man did I love using a diaper. Seriously. No muss no fuss… Anyways… (:P)

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Lux's Story Part 2 | Labor: they ain't joking, it’s WORK.
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Lux's Story Part 2 | Labor: they ain't joking, it’s WORK.

My dream labor was to be at home, surrounded by candles, in a birthing pool, with music I love, a midwife who respects my needs and my body and being unmedicated… unfortunately that wasn't gonna happen for me. I knew early on that they were going to induce me. I did all that I could to try and induce labor on my own, but it didn't work. In fact it ended up taking a long time even with inducing me.

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A Gift that Lasts for Decades
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A Gift that Lasts for Decades

A little while ago I received the sweetest email I have ever received! It was from a proud grandfather who was completely in love and enchanted by his sweet newborn grand-daughter Charlie. He had seen my work with his business partner’s newborn and was so passionate about getting the same session done for his grand-daughter!

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Where to Shop for Maternity Clothes
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Where to Shop for Maternity Clothes

If you are pregnant, this post is especially for you! Let's do my favourite thing and talk about SHOPPING! haha :)

Frequently when I am talking to my maternity clients, they are telling me about how hard it is to find a good source of stylish maternity clothes in Montreal. So I thought I would just let you know about where I have found some really cute outfits for while you’re pregnant!

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Swaddle, Swaddle, Swaddle! | Newborn Parenting Tip # 1
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Swaddle, Swaddle, Swaddle! | Newborn Parenting Tip # 1

Very often, during their newborn session, parents will comment that they can’t believe how sleepy and content their baby is. I have been dubbed a “baby whisperer” in all of my sessions. Sometimes, they even ask if I can come home with them! LOL!

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Turn up the noise | Newborn Parenting Tip #4
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Turn up the noise | Newborn Parenting Tip #4

If I had a dollar for every time parents ordered a “shusher” during their session, I’d have A LOT of dollars! :P These tips come from the idea that your baby is in their “4th Trimester” and is still adjusting to life outside the womb. A white noise machine (or shusher) is one of my favorites, it helps to simulate the noises your baby was used to hearing in the womb. White noise not only helps relax babies but it helps to soften environmental sounds that can disrupt sleep so you don’t have to tiptoe around the whole house when your baby is sleeping.

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Stress Free Feedings | Newborn Parenting Tip #5
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Stress Free Feedings | Newborn Parenting Tip #5

Whether you nurse, use formula or do a combination of the two, feeding a newborn can be stressful. Are they getting enough? Are they crying because they are still hungry? Is the breast milk or formula upsetting their tummy? Every single baby is unique in its own way.

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Keep Baby Cozy | Newborn Parenting Tip #3
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Keep Baby Cozy | Newborn Parenting Tip #3

When I photograph babies, I use a space heater to make the area around the baby very cozy and warm. For many poses, the baby is naked or just in a wrap or diaper cover. If the baby feels chilly they’ll be uncomfortable and fussy. Keep in mind, they are used to the heat of Mom's body temperature, and because they cannot regulate their own temperature we need to help them out.

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Understanding Your Baby's Cues | Newborn Parenting Tip #2
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Understanding Your Baby's Cues | Newborn Parenting Tip #2

Did you know that babies communicate with their cries? I know, crazy right?! I cannot tell you the science behind it, heck I learned it from an Oprah video that I have linked below, so I don’t even know how scientific this actually is. But I am telling you, these cues DO WORK!

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The Perfect Age For a Newborn Session
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The Perfect Age For a Newborn Session

A question I’m often asked by many pregnant moms and new photographers is, “what is the perfect age for a newborn session?”

This question has a very complex answer. The fact of the matter is, it all really depends. Because of this, I work hard to schedule only a set amount of sessions a month so that I can be as flexible as I can for any situation that may arise.

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Lifestyle Newborn Session In Your Home!
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Lifestyle Newborn Session In Your Home!

I have always been drawn to the lifestyle type of newborn photography. It is a more personal, candid, and less posed version of traditional newborn sessions. But I always felt like I just wasn't creative enough to rise to the challenge of doing sessions in my client's homes. You see, doing in-studio newborn sessions are super comfortable for me. I have everything I need at my fingertips, and I know exactly where the light is and how to shoot with it. But as an artist that can get super boring.

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5 Favourite Maternity Dresses to Wear for Your Pregnancy Photos!
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5 Favourite Maternity Dresses to Wear for Your Pregnancy Photos!

Shopping for clothes is stressful enough, but when your body is constantly changing and growing, shopping can be near impossible. This is why I went ahead and built up a wardrobe of beautiful maternity dresses and accessories for my studio. So that you can just come to your session in your comfiest clothes and leave feeling absolutely beautiful.

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